Happy Healthy Smiles


One of our favorite things is witnessing the beautiful, happy smiles of our children. We know that all children need support in a multitude of areas and that includes when it comes to overall health and wellness. All of our #KailashKids receive regular dental exams to ensure that they are maintaining good dental hygiene and to check for any issues.

A few of our Kailash Kids are currently in need of additional dental and orthodontic work to help them achieve their healthiest smiles though. We need your help to reach our goal of $1,500 to fund these special cases including new crowns/fillings, false tooth replacement, and advanced cleanings for a handful of our students.

Specialists like dentists may be a common sight where you live, but in many rural parts of Nepal they simply don't exist. One of the many benefits our children receive from life at Kailash is access to this kind of routine care that your support makes possible!

𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆 https://gofund.me/046297eb


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Alumni Feature: Mangal Tamang